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汝梅, 女,博士,药学院教师。2017年7月毕业于中国科学院水土保持研究中心。从事药用植物学教学与科研工作。2017年6月获中国科学院生态学专业药用植物方向博士学位,目前主要从事药用植物学教学及药用植物次生代谢途径相关研究。



1Mei Ru#, Yuyan An#, Kunru Wang, Liang Peng, Bo Li, Zhenqing Bai, Bangqing Wang, Zongsuo Liang*. Prunella vulgaris L. hairy roots: Culture, growth, and elicitation by ethephon and salicylic acid. Engineering in Life Sciences, 2016, 16 (5): 494-502.

2Mei Ru#,·Kunru Wang#,·Zhenqing Bai,·Liang Peng,·Shaoxuan He,·Tianlin Pei,·Yanyan Jia,·Hongyan Li,·Zongsuo Liang*. Molecular cloning and characterisation of two enzymes involved in the rosmarinic acid biosynthesis pathway of Prunella vulgaris L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2017, 128 (2): 381-390.

3Mei Ru, Kunru Wang, Zhenqing Bai, Liang Peng, Shaoxuan He, Yong Wang, Zongsuo Liang*. A tyrosine aminotransferase involved in rosmarinic acid biosynthesis in Prunella vulgaris L. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 1-12.

4Mei Ru, Yonghua Li, Min Guo, Liuyan Chen, Yong Tan, Liang Peng*, Zongsuo Liang*. Increase in rosmarinic acid accumulation and transcriptional responses of synthetic genes in hairy root cultures of Prunella vulgaris induced by methyl jasmonate. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2022, 149(1): 371-379.

5Mei Ru, Liuyan Chen, Jiali Liu, Tingting Lan, Chuchu Yang, Xiaoyao Tan, Chuanmei Wu, Pan Liang, Zongsuo Liang*. Cloning, heterologous expression, and functional characterization

of a hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase (HPPR) gene involved in rosmarinic acid biosynthesis in Prunella vulgaris .Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2023, 153: 273-283.

6Liang Peng#, Mei Ru#, Zongsuo Liang*. Variation of photosynthesis, secondary metabolites and antioxidant activities in third generation of spaceflflight-induced Salvia miltiorrhiza. Chinese Herbal Medicines, 2022, 14: 592-601.

7Liang Peng, Mei Ru, Kunru Wang, Bo Li, Yancui Wang, Pengguo Xia, Zongsuo Liang*. Spaceflight environment-induced variation in root yield and active constituents of Salvia miltiorrhiza. Planta Medica, 2014, 80 (12): 1029-1035.

8Pei Tianlin#, Ma Pengda#, Ding Kai, Liu Sijia, Ru Mei, Dong Juane*, Liang Zongsuo*. SmJAZ8 acts as a core repressor regulating JA-induced biosynthesis of salvianolic acids and tanshinones in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy roots. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018, 69 (7): 1663-1678.

9Renyuan Liu#, Benwei Su#, Feiying Huang, Mei Ru, Hui Zhang, Zhanmin Qin, Yonghua Li*, Kaixin Zhu. Identification and analysis of cardiac glycosides in Loranthaceae parasites Taxillus chinensis (DC.) Danser and Scurrula parasitica Linn. and their host Nerium indicum Mill.. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2019, 174: 450-459.

10Liang Peng, Mei Ru, Bangqing Wang, Yong Wang, Bo Li, Jing Yu, Zongsuo Liang*. Genetic diversity assessment of a germplasm collection of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge. based on morphology, ISSR and SRAP markers[J]. Biochemical Systematics Ecology, 2014, 55: 84-92.

11Li Bo, Wang Bangqing, Li Hongyan, Peng Liang, Ru Mei, Liang Zongsuo*, Yan Xijun. Establishment of Salvia castanea Diels f. tomentosa Stib. hairy root cultures and the promotion of

tanshinone accumulation and gene expression with Ag+, methyl jasmonate, and yeast extract elicitation [J]. Protoplasma, 2016, 253: 87-100.

12)汝梅,戴忠华,李永华,陆海琳,谭勇,奉建芳,郭敏*. 尊龙凯时柳城县药用植物资源的调查与分析. 中药材, 2022, 45(11): 2571-2575

13夏玉苹, 何春花, 柴子舒, 秦文慧, 巫文鑫, 陈柳燕, 刘佳莉, 汝梅*, 李永华*. 不同寄主桑寄生水提物对斑马鱼模型的急性毒性及肝损伤. 中国实验方剂学杂志, 2021, 27(21): 91-97.

14)刘佳莉,夏玉苹,陈柳燕,刘顺,李健华,汝梅*,李永华*. 不同寄主植物桑寄生水提物对斑马鱼胚胎心脏发育毒性及机制研究. 中草药, 2023, 54(01): 160-171.

15贾彦彦, 汝梅, 金伟波, 梁宗锁*.丹参蛋白激酶SmSnRK2.4的克隆及表达分析. 中国中药杂志, 2017, 42(2): 205-212.
